Category: Asthma & Respiratory

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D’Andrea discusses Diaphragm Breathing & VCD

7.60K Views0 Comments

D'Andrea, a 16-year-old teen with Vocal Cord Dysfunction (VCD) and Asthma, describes how to tell the difference between breathing difficulties related to asthma versus VCD, and demonstrates the use of Diaphragmatic Br...

Amber shows some belly breathing techniques

6.93K Views0 Comments

Sometimes all you need to relax and calm down is to focus on taking deep breathes. Watch as Amber shows us some techniques for deep belly breathing. About Your Lungs and Respiratory System What's something that you ...

Callie copes with Vocal Chord Dysfunction (VCD)

9.44K Views3 Comments

Callie shows some breathing techniques and ways to cope with Vocal Chord Dysfunction (VCD) and Stress. Callie's VCD was a result of her asthma. People who have asthma might cough or wheeze, two sounds that come from t...