The Mini-Coper Cart Mini-CoperCopingCart Hospitalized children are confronted with a wide range of overwhelming experiences that evoke considerable anxiety and distress that can adversely impact on their adjustment and adherence to treatments. Bring in the Coping Cart… a one- of-a-kind mobile multimedia center specifically designed by a pediatric psychologist to be used with children while in the hospital. This specially equipped cart, which has considerable “wow” factor with children and adolescents, serves as a platform for a video recording and editing studio, clinical biofeedback system, audio recording and editing suite, etc. These activities serve to ease children’s stress and anxiety by empowering them to express and share their experiences with others via the creation of their own videos. The creator of the Coping Cart concept, Bryan D. Carter, Ph.D., is the Chief of the Pediatric Consultation-Liaison Service at Norton Children’s Hospital and a Professor with the University of Louisville School of Medicine’s Department of Pediatrics. According to Dr. Carter, “Our team of pediatric mental heath professionals employ the Coping Cart in their work with patients and their families in our efforts to help children deal with many of the emotions they experience related to their behavioral health that may not be easy to go through other methods.” Many of the patient-generated videos are used to model and educate other patients, and make it onto the website. In conjunction with Norton Children’s Hospital/Norton Healthcare, the University of Louisville School of Medicine Department of Pediatrics, and the Weber Group, manufacturers of the Coping Cart, an affordable version of the Coping Cart is being made available for purchase by children’s hospitals and health care facilities. For more information contact: Dr. Carter – [email protected] | (502) 550-1730

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