Tag: lymphoma

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Dominique talks about his cancer diagnosis

4.27K Views0 Comments

Dominique discusses how he was diagnosed with cancer and what he first treatments were like. Make sure you check out all of Dominique's videos on CopingClub.com to hear his full story! What Is Hodgkin's Disease? Hod...

Dominique talks about how he copes with cancer

4.67K Views0 Comments

Dominique was diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma cancer. In this segment he talks about ways that he is able to cope with the disease and encourages others to look on a brighter side. Lymphomas that involve a particul...

Dominique talks about dealing with fear and cancer

4.90K Views0 Comments

Dominique helps us understand the fears of cancer and explains ways in which he deals with fear. What Is Fear? Fear is one of the most basic human emotions. It is programmed into the nervous system and works like an...

Kaleb, a Burkitt Lymphoma patient, asks kids to share their stories

5.91K Views0 Comments

Kaleb, an 11-year-old with Burkitt's Lymphoma, came up with the idea of inviting other kids with health problems to share their personal coping tools with one another via making a personal video. Kaleb's goal is to ge...