Tyler’s gives tips and advice to kids and parents who are going through divorce.

Divorce is stressful for parents and kids alike. Although reactions will depend on a child’s age, temperament, and the circumstances surrounding the split, many kids feel sad, frustrated, angry, and anxious — and it’s not uncommon for them to act out because of those feelings.

The Coping Cart at Norton Children’s Hospital is designed to help ease children’s stress and anxiety.


  • What a great video! What makes this more admirable is the fact that it came from a kid, who is expected not to be that aware on serious matters like divorce is.

  • I totally agree with Kristin, it;s great to see that a kid is giving tips for parents and fellow kids on how to cope with divorce and go about it with the proper state of mind and positively.

  • This was a great video. I wish I had this video when I got divorced. I am sure it may have helped with my son.

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